Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Honeymoon Year

Is there a reason why people refer to their 4th year of secondary education in Malaysia as the honeymoon year? I mean the subjects took a sudden leap in difficulty and the amount of subjects has increased as well. This causes unnecessary stress for the students of said form. But yet, people refer it as the "Honeymoon year"? Why?

Well, here's what I think. Education, is a lot like love. Think about it this way : When you were in primary school, and you sat for your term exams, there was a small challenge in it I'm sure. Now, compare those exams to what I said education was like, and you have yourself going on dates with some guy or girl you met at the bar. Nothing serious yet, but still challenging, finding the guts to ask her/him out. And now comes UPSR, you think you found the right girl, your not sure, but you take that leap and...let's just said it was your first time.

And now, UPSR is over, your in form 1. Your enjoying yourself, meeting new people, making new friends. But there still are things that worry you. New subjects, new teachers, an annoying prefect that never gets off your back, who knows? Your enjoying yourself, no doubt, but there ARE challenges.
(And now, you and your partner have gone steady. Your enjoying yourself, going on dates on a regular basis, finding out new things about her/him. But there are things that still worry you. "Does she like these flowers?", "Would she come here for dinner one night? More importantly, do I have the money to bring her here?", and of course, "Would her parents like me?". All these things rush through your mind. Your enjoying yourself, no doubt, but there ARE challenges.)

All the challenges of dating come your way, the same as how the term exams do when in forms 1 & 2. And now, your in form 3, its time for your second major exam, your second leap for love. You study your butt of to get the results that you want, while on the love side of things, you plan and prepare, for marriage. You attend seminars to brush up on your weaker subjects, buy reference books, and even skip school to study at home. You plan where to have your ceremony, what food you want for the dinner, what center piece you want for each table, who will sit in table number 1, who should we invite?

And finally, it's over. All that hard work paid off. Your now happily married, happily celebrating the end of PMR...And what do you do after you get married? Go for your honeymoon of course, and where do you go after form 3? Form 4, duh~...Hence, Honeymoon Year!

And just a short bit of what life after the honeymoon year is like, or life with your new partner after your honeymoon is word : HELL (well for some cases anyway)