Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thinking Postive?

I'm sure most of, if not all of you have heard of this thing called "The Secret"... What is it actually? Not many of us know, is it true? Maybe... But what I did grab from this book/movie, is that one should think positive in life, to get what one wants...

Thinking positive, what exactly does this mean?... Well according to "The Secret", if you want to achieve something, you should always just think of it in a positive way? Make sense? No? Let me explain...Well, according to the way I see it.

Thinking positive... Okay, let's say you don't want it to rain, just think to yourself "It won't rain, don't worry"... You think thats positive? NO!... According to "The Secret", You shouldn't even include the word "won't".... rather, you should think to yourself "It'll stay sunny", or something along that lines. You want to know why?
Well, if you just say, It won't rain, The word rain is still there, and somehow, "The Universe", doesn't register the word won't...Don't ask, I ain't no master of the universe...

Does it really work? Like I said, who knows? But ever since I watched the movie, I've always thought that way... It's like somehow my mind works that way....

We're not going to lose? NO! We're going to win.... Didn't to my homework, ahh never mind, teacher won't get angry? NO! Didn't to my homework, ahh never mind, teacher will stay sane... I know I won't mess up during my exams? NO! I know I'll do great for my exams...Or something like that...

I also use this positive way of thinking for colors. Like if the traffic light has stayed green for awhile now, and I haven't crossed, I'll think : Green, Green Tea, Grinch, Trees!....If I'm wearing something white, and want it to stay white, I'll think : White, Egg White, Michael Jackson!... Stuff like that....

This post may not make much sense but heck I don't care...
And I know most of you visit blogs to view pictures, so here are pictures of Michael Jackson:

He looks like a smart ugly woman no?

"Come boys lets snuggle!"

I guess even MJ can't run away from the lala craze

"Ow! That chair's not my son!"